6 Signs That It Might Be Time for a Divorce

6 Signs That It Might Be Time for a Divorce

The early days of marriages are full of bliss and happiness. But as times goes by, one or both partners may start questioning the relationship and feeling disillusioned. This might lead to thoughts of separation or even living independently.

If you have been thinking about life without your spouse, maybe it’s about time you got a divorce. So, how can you know it’s time to quit your relationship? Well, here are some of the signs to look out for that will inform you that divorce is the only way.

1. Lack of intimacy

Lack of intimacy in a marriage is a sure sign that things are not all that rosy. It is a sign that it is time for a divorce. Of all aspects of a marriage, intimacy should be on the top. It is the distinction between a romantic relationship and friendship.

To be fair, there are times that one or both spouses need space. Nevertheless, if you cannot recall the last time you got intimate, this indicates the relationship is heading nowhere.

2. Non-existent trust

Your spouse is the person that you should trust totally. Marriage can be pretty uncomfortable if it lacks trust. Some of the factors that trigger a lack of trust include disrespectful habits, lying, and infidelity. It’s an awful sign if you cannot believe the things your spouse tells you or if you are constantly second-guessing them.

3. Communication Issues

It is no secret that communication problems are one of the leading reasons why people divorce. Basically, communication breakdown can lead to separation, and ultimately, divorce. To beat this, couples should work as a team, show understanding, and support each other. They also need to be free to talk about every little detail affecting their marriage.

Focusing on who is right and who is wrong is a no-no in a marriage. But if both spouses are constantly bickering and cannot have decent conversations about important issues anymore, maybe it is best to get a divorce.

4. Toxic relationship

Toxic relationships are full of negative energy, and they drain one or both spouses significantly. Where there was happiness, all that remains is contempt or dread. Do you know that some toxic relationships end up becoming physically, emotionally, and mentally abusive? Although marriage counseling can work for some marriages, abuse is unacceptable and should never be entertained.

5. Cheating

Most people get divorced due to cheating. When one or both spouses cheat, divorce may be the next best option. In as much as some people recover after infidelity, others find it hard. If you or your partner has been unfaithful, you can seek counseling and discuss whether divorce should be on the cards.

6. Contempt in the marriage

Contempt is a deadly marriage killer. It encompasses resentful spouses to full-blown despise. It may involve constant criticism, being treated in an inferior way, among other despicable habits. Whatever the cause for the contempt is, no marriage can survive if the anger and bitterness are not addressed.

Get yourself an experienced divorce lawyer

If you are going through any, some, or all of the mentioned issues, it may be time you thought about divorce. Maybe counseling and therapy have failed, and there is no way to salvage the marriage. In this case, there is no reason why your parting should be an acrimonious one. By getting an accomplished divorce lawyer, you can part amicably and peacefully.

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A local Will County divorce attorney can help you!


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