Will County Courthouse In Joliet, IL

The Will County Courthouse located at 14 W. Jefferson St., Joliet, IL 60432 handles a variety of legal cases for the people of Will County, IL. They handle divorce and family law cases, child support cases, adoptions, orders of protection, probate, small claims, arbitration, tax law cases and a variety of other legal cases.
In addition, the Will County Courthouse handles many criminal defense law cases for the county. Some of these cases include traffic citations, DUI / drunk driving, domestic violence and criminal record sealing and expungements, etc.
The website @ https://www.circuitclerkofwillcounty.com/ has a public access section that allows people to look up fees, court schedules, local court rules, customer service and additionally offers online payments, etc. You can also find several forms online as well. The website also shows the court hours – The Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court shall be open to the public from 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Monday through Friday, except on Court Holidays. The website is a tremendous resource with a ton of useful content and information.
The divorce lawyers at Henderson Law & Mediation Center are located directly across the street from the Will County Courthouse which makes practicing divorce and family law in Joliet and Will County, IL very convenient for us and our clients. We are located just step away from the courthouse. We are in the Will County Courthouse daily advocating for our clients on all divorce and family law legal issues and matter.
Will County is a county in Illinois. It’s population of around 678,000, makes it the fourth-most populous county in Illinois. We are proud and happy to serve the people of Will County, Illinois.